Crystal grand prize awarded in the Army’s private-sector innovation and technology competition xTechSearch (Army Expeditionary Technology Search). (21ALJ181)
Crystal grand prize awarded in the Army’s private-sector innovation and technology competition xTechSearch (Army Expeditionary Technology Search). (21ALJ181)
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George Shultz and Mikhail Gorbachev might at first seem unlikely candidates to have inspired a youth award. Shultz, the former U.S. Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan, celebrated his 100th birthday in December. Gorbachev, the former...
ESPN's annual ESPY Awards telecast has always had a special significance for us at Prestige Custom Awards. It's long been a point of pride for us that we provide the actual awards presented at what is ordinarily a festive, celebratory...
"Custom crystal awards" is a phrase that gets searched pretty frequently online. And you'll get plenty of results if you try it yourself. But many of the results you'll get are missing some crucial information. In some cases, they're just...