In the financial world, deal toys symbolize your success and hard work. Employees bring their deal toys to each new job, and customization can enhance not just the company’s brand but the personal brand of the recipient.
But the most important recipient? Your clients.
After you work the long hours and close the deal, you’ll give them a deal toy that reminds them of your success every day. Make sure your deal toy stands out from the rest on a shelf (and brings you more business!) with truly custom deal toy ideas and a partnership with the experts at Prestige Custom Awards.

Robotics-Themed Deal Tombstone
Crystal tombstone recognizing the sale of BPI, a Danish producer of engineered foam solutions. (23LJW003)
Madrid Real Estate Financial Tombstone
Crystal financial tombstone marking the sale by Blackstone of nine buildings in Madrid. (22LSS092)
KKR Acquisition Deal Toy
Lucite deal toy, featuring a bottle on a weight scale, marking KKR’s acquisition of Industrial Physics. The company manufactures testing and inspection equipment for plastics and other materials. (23AKL351)
Lancer-Core Specialty Merger Tombstone
Crystal financial tombstone, featuring 3D-etching of a knight, marking the merger of Core Specialty Insurance and Lancer Insurance. (22AKL147)
Deal Toy Acquisition Linkedin Oribi
Crystal deal toy marking the acquisition by networking platform LinkedIn of Oribi, which provides marketing attribution technology. (22AKL118)
Viking-Themed Deal Tombstone
Viking-themed deal tombstone design playing off the code name for a reinsurance agreement between Guardian and Talcott. (22AKL563)
Maze Game-Themed Deal Toy
Lucite deal toy, incorporating a metal ball, based on a maze/labyrinth game. The transaction involves a financing for Western Potash, a Canadian mining company. (23LJW010)
Pearlmark Real Estate Development Deal Toy
Crystal deal toy recognizing Pearlmark’s investment in the development of a multifamily residential complex in San Antonio, Texas. (22AJH068)