Lucite Vial Embedment for FDA Approval Cosela

Lucite Vial Embedment for FDA Approval Cosela

Custom Lucite, featuring an embedment of a drug vial, celebrating FDA approval of Cosela. (20ADH005) Custom Lucite Team Award Custom Lucite Team Award

Custom acrylic award created for e-commerce company (23ALj036)

Ruggable UK Plant Opening Lucite Commemorative

Ruggable UK Plant Opening Lucite Commemorative

Custom Lucite celebrating the opening of a UK facility by Ruggable, a provider of residential and commercial rugs.(23ALJ065)

Ruggable UK Facility Opening Commemorative (

Ruggable UK Facility Opening Commemorative (

Side view of custom Lucite commemorative celebrating the opening of a UK facility by Los Angeles-based Ruggable. (23ALJ065)

Ruggable Custom Lucite Award

Ruggable Custom Lucite Award

Custom rug-themed employee recognition award created for Ruggable. An ecommerce company specializing in residential and commercial rugs, Ruggable is based in Los Angeles. (22ALJ160)

Ruggable Rug-Themed Custom Employee Award (Side View)

Ruggable Rug-Themed Custom Employee Award (Side View)

Side view of rug-themed custom employee award designed for Ruggable. (22ALJ160)

Vanderbilt University Wood Commemorative

Vanderbilt University Wood Commemorative

Asphalt Roller-Themed Award

Asphalt Roller-Themed Award

Asphalt roller-themed crystal award for construction company. (23AZH047)

Skyhawk-TVA Solar Facility Opening Commemorative

Skyhawk-TVA Solar Facility Opening Commemorative

Side view of custom Lucite commemorating the opening of the Skyhawk Solar facility in Tennessee. (23AKL2138)